Tuesday, 19 March 2013

Notable App

I love when I get emails from tech organizations like TCEA in Texas that send me information about an online application to which I haven't previously been introduced.  Today, I browsed my inbox and discovered the notable app.  If you are thinking about having your students blog, or if they have already created a blog, you will definitely want to check out this website.
Basically, the tool at www.notableapp.com allows you to annotate on screenshots of webpages.  You plyg in a URL, the app takes a screenshot of the page on which you are looking to comment. You can add your own written comments and then email the annotated version of your screenshot to the person of your choosing.  You can literally annotate on any webpage. If you have flipped your classroom, this would be an excellent tool for you to have students use.  As an educator, you could list instructions or pose questions for students to respond to right on the screenshot of a particular webpage. This would allow for pre-reading at home, branching into a discussion in class the next day. There is also connectivity to your Google Chrome browser as you can add this as an extension. I immediately envisioned using the notable app for giving feedback on student-created blogs.  If you have students documenting their work or their learning journey through a particular project on a blog, you could provide descriptive feedback or pose thought-provoking questions for your students to consider about their writing. (Consider a hosted blog site such as kidblog.)  Your feedback can be emailed for students to read. I'm going to explore this app further for some additional possibilities and update this post with some more options for using the notable app. If you'd like to learn about some possibilities for blogging with your students, please have a look at this blog post!

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