The iPad can be a great tool for creating videos for a variety of purposes. As an educator, you can capture video for video modeling scenarios, documenting student progress, and for curricular support. Imagine having your students create a movie trailer using iMovie for their favourite novel. Engagement and entertainment!
Here are some tips for creating great videos with the iPad 2:
1- Shoot your film using landscape orientation. If you shoot video while holding the device upright, you will not be collecting video in the correct resolution.
2- Allow location services if prompted to when you open up your video editing app. This allows you to have access to videos in your camera roll. If you have disallowed location servies for your iMovie app, you can allow it by going into Settings>Privacy>and turn on locations services for iMovie.
3-Allow time at the start and the end of capturing your footage- 2 seconds at both ends should be enough. This allows for transitions when you are editing your film in iMovie or another editing application.
4- Add a variety of camera angles when you are shooting your footage. Think close-ups, medium depth shots, and faraway shots. This will add depth and visual interest to your final edited product.
5- Source out royalty-free, no cost music. Check out Kevin McLeod's website for copyright free music.
Which apps to start with?
Online: This site is a great tool for beginner videographers. It is easy to upload and edit video clips into a great compilation. There are free options, but for a mere $3/month, you can create some amazing videos, incorporating music and your photos. There is an app available for iOS devices.
Videolicious (Free) This iPad app allows to you integrate video and photos into a narrated visual presentation. Could be used to create a tutorial or create a narrative video.
iMotion HD (Stop Motion animation- $1.99)
Action Movie FX (in app upgrades) Allows you to add some special effects which can be incorporated into iMovie for further editing.
iMovie ($4.99)
Lego Super Heroes Movie Maker (stop motion animation-free)
Avid Studio- editing application
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